Dead By Daylight Alien - release date and what we know so far

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Dead by Daylight Alien

After several rumours and fan theories, Dead By Daylight has finally announced its newest chapter: Alien. Taking to Twitter this afternoon, the asymmetrical horror game dropped the news that the infamous xenomorph will be joining the ranks as a killer.

There will be plenty to look forward to, and since in space, no one can hear you scream, we thought we'd collect all of the information for you in our guide, instead.

When is the release date for Dead By Daylight Alien?

As is typical with Dead By Daylight, we didn't get a fully confirmed release date from the teaser trailer. What we did get, however, is the confirmation that more information is due to drop on August 8, 2023. This means the release date will hopefully come shortly after.

Dead By Daylight Alien teaser trailer on Twitter
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Credit: Twitter
Dead By Daylight Alien teaser

What are the Alien's perks?

We don't have any information regarding the Alien's perks as we only have the teaser trailer to go by, but that hasn't stopped fans of the sci-fi monster from creating their own concepts in the past, and one such Reddit user has even taken to mapping out a whole list of perks and abilities for the creature.

Dead By Daylight Alien fan concept on reddit
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Credit: r/Awesomealan1
Reddit user /Awesomealan1 theorises a Dead By Daylight Alien concept

This fan concept naturally includes the presence of face-huggers, grisly xenomorph offspring that attach themselves to a victim's mouth and bury their larvae inside the host's body. Everyone knows the infamous scene of a baby Alien bursting out of a person's chest, and it would stand to reason that Dead By Daylight's iteration of this creature will remain true to the source material. The same could be said for when Dead By Daylight introduced Nemesis to the game, along with his trusty zombies.

For now, however, we're left to theorise like every other Dead By Daylight fan until more information is given on August 8. Be sure to check back, as we'll update this Dead By Daylight Alien guide as soon as we have new information!

While you're here, be sure to check out the best killers tier list, or if you're more of a survivor player, you can check out our best survivor builds list, too. See you in the Fog!

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