Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops - How to sign up, link accounts, and who to watch

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Think you won't have enough ways to dress up your character at launch? With Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops, you'll be able to get some very flamboyant smallclothes to kickstart your bizarre adventure. But setting the whole thing can be a little convoluted. If you're after some fancy pants, you'll want to pay attention. It'll get confusing.

To aid in your odd little quest to get some new pants, we've pieced together this brief guide on how to sign up for Twitch Drops in Baldur's Gate 3, including how to link the required accounts, who to watch to claim them, and where they'll land once you've earned them. Again, it's a troublesome process for some, but we'll help you through it.

How to get Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops - Campaign FAQ

As confirmed by Tom Butler on Twitter just a few days before release, Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops will be active for a couple of weeks after the launch of the game.

During that time, you just need to watch a handful of hours of Baldur's Gate 3 content on the platform to claim your goodies.

The Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops.
click to enlarge

What are the Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops?

For engaging in BD3 Twitch streams for the required amount of hours, you'll gain four exclusive clothing items, with male and female body options. Here's what you'll get:

  • Streamhopper Loafers
  • Channeler's Trunks
  • Periwinkle Undergarments
  • Chatterbox's Tabard (chest and legs)

Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops campaign dates?

Here's a quick look at when the event starts and ends.

BD3 Twitch Drops start time


You have from August 3 to start working your way towards the BD3 launch Twitch stream drops. The following times apply to each mentioned timezone:

  • 9am PDT
  • 4pm UTC

For specifics in your region, refer to the countdown above.

BD3 Twitch Drops end time


The campaign ends on August 17, marking the final time you'll be able to get the items listed above to our knowledge. The following times apply to each mentioned timezone:

  • 9am PDT
  • 4pm UTC

For specifics in your region, refer to the countdown above.

How many hours of Baldur's Gate 3 do I need to watch for the Twitch Drops?

In total, you only need to watch two hours of Baldur's Gate 3 content to Twitch to receive the items listed above.

Eligible and enabled Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch Drops streamers

There are no specific streamers you'll need to watch to count your Baldur's Gate 3 watch time for the rewards. So long as a streamer opts in and flags their stream correctly while broadcasting the game, they'll enable Twitch Drops for their users.

How to link a Larian account to Twitch for BD3 Twitch Drops

To be eligable for the Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch drops, you need to link your Larian account to your Twitch account. Without it, any drops recieved during the campaign will expire after seven days. You can link the accounts via the Larian website. You can check connections on the Twitch page.


How do I claim my Baldur's Gate 3 Twitch drops?

Once you've watched two hours on content across any eligable streamer, the BD3 Twitch Drops reward will land in your Twitch inventory.

From there, you can activate them to be automatically sent to your game. You can claim them even without owning the game, so the rewards will still be ready for you to send over whenever you do start up a save.

For more Baldur's Gate 3, check out why players wished the game's early access had been planned better, or why its Mind Flayer powers have exposed the duality of RPG fans as well. For some times to get you started, here's how to run, and how to defeat Grym before you're overpowered..

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Baldur's Gate page.